
Vertigo can have many causes and one of its cause can be from a consequence of changes in the condition and position of the cervical spine. The occurrence of vertigo can be associated with irritation of the cervical sympathetic nervous system. The cause lies in predominantly from chronic, degenerative changes or less often from traumatic changes in the spine. Chiropractic is the therapy of choice for vertigo.  First, cervical chiropractic adjustment restore the motion of  intervertebral joints, making biomechanical correction, second, by using intermittent cervical traction, increases the space between the vertebrae  called intervertebral foramen.  This has an effect of reducing the irritation and pressure on  the vascular and nerve structures which is present in the foramen, and along with the return of normal mobility of the cervical spine, unpleasant symptoms of vertigo should subside if not disappear over the treatment period.

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